Hotel Escaldes Andorra : Hotel Tudel

Hotel Tudel Escaldes Andorra is completly altered, placed in the center of shopping and touristic district of Escaldes, from 300 m of Caldea termal spa in Andorra. Hotel Tudel is located in the square coprinceps, in the middle of centre of the city. The location is ideal to enjoy the commercial tourist varied offer of our country, and nears of Caldea and to 15 km of the ski tracks.Hotel Tudel rooms have view to the square and the avenue Carlemany. They are wide, they are completely soundproofed and they have complete bathroom and television. Booking Hoteles-Andorra-Alojamiento-Reservas-Caldea.
Hotel Tudel Andorra (3 star) Address Plaça Coprínceps, 8 Escaldes-Engordany Phone: (+376) 820563.

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