Hotel in Arinsal : Hotel Princesa Parc

Hotel Princesa Parc Andorra, Located to only near with of the Arinsal gondola, allows you to leave the hotel almost with the skis on. Stay in Andorra For Vacantion go ski and go to Spa in Hotel.
The Princesa Parc hotel is comfort and the withdrawal are the elements that describe this new hotel devoted to the leisure, to the free time and the après-ski. The most prominent area is that of relax, in which you will find jacuzzis, pool with hydro-massage, hammam and specific corporal treatments.
Princesa Parc hotel Programs : Health area Body treatments and massages, Relaxation : Massage that acts on the musculature and the central nervous system, providing a sensation of deep well-being, eliminating anxiety and stress, at the same time relaxing and discharging tensions in the locomotive system.
Sportive: Massage in the musculature and the articulations, preparing them for the sport practice. The organism is prepared to achieve a good yield and protected of possible lesions.
Therapeutic: Massage suitable to treat lesions, muscular and articular pains (sprains, contractions, lumbalgias, ciatalgias, breaks of fibers, and etc.), recovering the damaged areas.
Lymphatic Drainage: Massage that activates the lymphatic system, helping to mobilise toxins and accumulated liquids. Those are driven to blood flux to be eliminated by the body.
Reiki: Universal healing energy manifesting through the therapist and balances and harmonizes the different aspects of the being.
Hotel Princesa Parc Andorra address Ctra. general d'Arinsal s/n Arinsal Phone: (+376) 736400.

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